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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Podcasts for Spiritual Growth

pod·cast    [‘pädˌkast]

Thirty years ago many of us would not know what I was writing about if I wrote that this “blog” is about “podcasts”.   Podcasts are a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.  The origin seems to be simply a “broadCAST” on your “iPOD”, which equals PODCAST. 

As a Christian I find listening to PODCASTS very helpful to my regular diet of the “means of grace”.  My normal media device is my iPhone and this blog will apply information related to Apple devices like the iPhone or iPad, etc., but the exact same apps and ministries are available on Android devices.  Why do I “podcast” or subscribe to some ministries?  Well, other than giving me some great selections and variety, once a podcast is downloaded (usually in a WiFi zone) that program is downloaded to your device and available for you to listen to anytime, anywhere.  This takes a lot of pressure off your data plan.

I listen to my podcasts through my Bluetooth radio in my truck and often at night before I fall asleep (I use earbuds as not to awaken my bride).  I use the “Podcast” App on my phone, but if this is new territory to you this video HERE will help you find your way around an iPhone or iPad.

Ok, so let me share some of my favourite podcasts:

1. The Gospel Coalition Podcasts.   From TGC I listen to three: 
  1. Help Me Teach The Bible with Nancy Guthrie.  Nancy interviews great authors and theologians that give practical advice on how to study the Bible in a way that prepares you to teach or preach through certain Books.  This is a very helpful podcast.  Normally the interviews are about an hour long.
  2. Word of the Week.  TGC selects, on a weekly basis, a sermon from a pastor that is endorsed by the TGC.  These are not usually the flamboyant, celebrity pastors.  They are usually the ordinary “joes” bringing an extraordinary exposition of God’s Word.  I look forward to this immensely.
  3. TGC Podcast. As they are produced these audio sessions feature lectures and workshops from their conferences as well as interviews and round table discussions on applying the gospel to the issues of our day. Several of these are available each week.  The beauty of these sessions is that they include 30 to 40 minute lectures/workshops to 10 min interviews or Q&A’s.  A great variety to listen to when you choose.

 2. I also listen to two podcasts that are fun and engaging, but include some serious topics.  These are more or less like listening to a talk show.  The topics are edifying and the atmosphere light and often humorous.  They are: 
  1. The Rebel Alliance Podcast.   These are two Canadians that are reformed, Gospel-centered and relevant.  They are lots of fun to listen to and cover a wide range of Church and cultural issues. 
  2. Two Thieves Podcast. This is a similar broadcast to The Rebel Alliance, but it airs from St. Louis, MO and contains more US content.  It is excellent.

3. Last but not least. I listen to Elk Point Baptist Church.  No I don’t listen to my sermons, but if someone is preaching for me, this is a handy way to listen to their sermon and be able to encourage them and also oversee the pulpit ministry of the Church. If you are working shifts and especially if you are trucking, this is a handy way of keeping up with the pulpit ministry of our Church.

Most Christian ministries have their own App but they also podcast their sermons or programs and you can listen freely through your favourite podcast-catcher.  This is a great way to select the input you want and be able to listen to it when you want.  If you aren’t podcasting, why not consider it? 

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