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Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Support the "Defection"!

There are all sorts of things that I don't know or understand about provincial politics.  I might be missing a lot here, but from the best information I can garner, I would suggest that the seemingly defection of the Alberta Wildrose Party to the Provincial Conservatives is, in the most part, a good thing.  From all that I have heard and read so far, I stand pretty much all alone.

The Wildrose Party was created to oppose a so-called Progressive Conservative party that was in the fast lane to become a liberal party, dressed in conservative clothing.  That PC government is now back on course to be a fiscally, economically and socially conservative.  It seems to me that the Wildrose have done their job - well!

Now this does leave a gaping hole for an effective opposition party and Premier Prentice should feel compelled to call an election as soon as possible.  The assessment that this move is a blow to democracy is over-stated.  We who voted Wildrose asked our MLA's to represent us in terms of a strong conservative position.  This move now has all the possibilities of doing that in a way we never expected. Mission accomplished!

It is a given that most media moguls and the like tend to be liberal and socialistic.  So it is no surprise to me that much of the rhetoric today and yesterday is negative.  Today I even read character assassinations on Ms. Smith.  When all the media gang up on her and others who have joined the PCs you can probably bet its a good thing they are doing.

I applaud Danielle Smith and others who made a courageous choice.  Their presence and the seeming good sense of Premier Jim Prentice may just strengthen the conservative ideals.  I am especially concerned that religious rights and parent's rights were very vulnerable to dissolution under the previous government.  The Redford conservatives were speedily leading this province to a 3-party liberal, socialistic enterprise.   This move has arrested that imbalance.

The most common and popular aspect to this "defection" is that it is believed that Ms. Smith has betrayed hundreds of volunteers and party members.  If there is any truth to this, then the process of "crossing the floor" may have been unwisely enacted. Secondly, it appears there may have been misleading statements by Ms. Smith prior to this.  I don't condone that.  It is never ethically right to believe that its "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."  Having said that I presume that there will be issues that will need to be admitted.  My point is that the overall direction is correct, in my opinion.

I listened with interest to the press conference that Premier Prentice and Ms. Smith held yesterday. I found their responses reasonable and positive.  Their mutual respect ought to enhance great dialogue within the PCs. The fact that from the vantage of the Conservatives it was not unanimous speaks to healthy disagreement and upholds democracy.  Even the fact that some Wildrose members refused to "cross over" reflects democracy at its best.

I look forward to many years of a strong conservative government in the province; and may the traditional conservative values be upheld.  “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1–2, NIV)

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