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Friday, June 3, 2016

Help Them Blur All Lines of Distinction

My displeasure is aroused that you have failed me so miserably.  It has come to my attention that your patient has become a follower of Jesus, our Enemy.  It will be necessary for me to shower you with the usual consequence for such incompetence.  However there is no need to fall into despondency. As many of our Patient's friends are fond of saying, "There is more than one way to skin a cat."   We do have peculiar insight into the minds and habits of these patients.
There is an approach that I have found to work very well (Except in the case of our Enemy). It is useless to mount a frontal assault on such patients.  They have been given a unique sense of certain types of falsehood.  Have them, my dear Warmwud, focus on something that appeals to their nature; and more importantly, use every effort to ensure that this pleasing notion is true, but only partly true.  I have found that these followers of our Enemy are enamored by Oneness and Unity.  (As I inferred, the Enemy also desires this – in part.)
Your goal to help the Patient blur all lines of distinction.  You will rejoice when you hear them say that distinction divides.  It will prove to be essential to your operation that sincerity and personal-truth become more important than precision of thought.  Distract them from hair-splitting over such mundane issues as repentance, conversion, baptism, and holiness.  When they claim to believe in their Jesus, make sure they celebrate that announcement.  If they engage in discussions of who He is and what He is, change the topic to more unifying, pleasing themes.
Blur the lines between our Enemy's absolute power and will and the will of these patients.  Help them to see that the Enemy thinks so highly of them that He has displaced some of His authority into their safe keeping.  When you bump into people who are loyal to a variety of churches ensure that they see that loyalty naive.  Universal oneness is our goal, dear Warmwud.
Help your Patient to see that God's ultimate goal is to erase all lines of dissimilarity. A good place to focus is on the gender of these creatures.  Blending the sexes will prove to be very advantageous to our efforts. Applaud their efforts for peaceful co-existence and with any attempt for accuracy or precision, frustrate them to no degree.  You will be most pleased with the results.
Your affectionate uncle


1. With my apologies to C. S. Lewis, author of Screwtape Letters, MacMillan Company Inc., New York, NY, 1976

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