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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Eternal Security and Gospel Partnership

If a genuine brother or sister in Christ expresses a viewpoint that a Christian can lose their salvation, I see no reason not to embrace them in fellowship and anticipate spending eternity with them.  However, if a brother or sister embraces such a view (commonly known as Arminianism) and wishes to link arms in collaborative Gospel ministry, at that point I have to politely refrain.

I was asked recently, "Why would you not form a Gospel ministry partnership with a Believer that thought a genuine Christian could lose their salvation?"   My answer is this:

A person who believes you can lose their salvation, does not understand:

a. The character of true repentance;
b. The nature and quality of the New Birth;
c. The comprehensive nature of salvation both past, present and future; and
d. The power and glory of God.

So I simply ask, Would you share a Gospel ministry partnership with someone who did not understand repentance, conversion, salvation, or the glory of God?   I can't.

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