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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Words of Greeting - A Reminder of Inability

As previously noted in a recent Blog of mine, I find great encouragement from the ‘greetings’ part of the apostolic letters and wish to pass on that encouragement to you.  In this Blog I draw your attention to Paul’s Letter to the Churches in Galatia.  This very well might have been his first inspired letter.  You will find it HERE.

I won’t go into a long introductory, historical background.  If you know where Turkey is today, you will know the area that these churches resided in.  Paul’s message to these churches is not to listen to the false teachers promoting a Christianized version of Judaism that denies justification by faith alone in Christ.  He also shows these churches that joyous impact of the Gospel on their everyday life.

There are various types of apostles, some commissioned by the local church as sent messengers or missionaries.  Paul’s not that type.  He is an apostle commissioned through Jesus Christ and God the Father.  Why such designation? If Jesus is God, why not just write “from God” or “from Jesus”?  And why emphasize that it was God who raised Jesus?  I think this is all adding weight to Paul’s letter.  He is writing upon the authority of the risen Savior and the God of all.  There’s no difference in opinion within the Godhead, nor in the company that Paul is with.  All agree.  This is unanimous.  There is no dissension.

Familiar with these greetings in the bestowal of grace and peace.  These blessings come from God. Morality and religion that is expressed by the Judaizers is of self-effort and self-promotion.  Grace is nullified by human ingenuity. The blessings of grace and peace are in fact a reminder of our sinful, destitute situation.

These blessings come, as the Apostle, from God and Jesus. This is the Jesus whom God raised from the dead.  Further stated, this is the Jesus that gave himself to die. This is the Jesus who died that all our sins be paid for.  This is the Jesus who died to deliver us from the evil and present age.  And this sacrifice by Jesus was ultimately done so that God be glorified.

The grace, the saving and enabling power to be saved and live as a saved person; the peace that brings acceptance to the Father – are gifted to us because Christ died freeing us from the guilt of sin and the power of sin.  And mankind can take not an ounce of credit in this merciful action.  It is all for the glory of God.

So, whether it is these Judaizers, or any other philosophy or movement, none can claim any self-righteousness or commendation.  It is all by grace for God’s glory.  The atonement for sin and the power of sin has been dealt with through Christ.  There can not be one single minute effort by any human being to make absolution for sin; and not one single iota of effort can minimize sin’s power apart from the death and resurrection of Christ.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.

If sin’s guilt is cancelled; if sin’s power is broken; if the captive is free; and if the foulest sin is clean, what is there left for religion to accomplish?  Nothing! 

It is only faith and faith alone that pleases God, for it is only faith that gives Him the glory. 

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