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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bill 10 Anti-Christian Encroachment

Concerned Christians have been working diligently to withstand the growing movement of gay-straight alliances in the schools.  A very helpful website is:  There is massive amounts of information available on that website.

A recent addition to this helpful link is a document that identifies what is called A Court Challenge.  Click HERE to see it.  The author and plaintiff, Carman Bradley, writes elsewhere: “Christians more than ever need to grasp the aggregate “negative” impact of Inclusive Education Policy, Bill 10, and Bill 24 on the up-bringing of our children.”  By clicking on the Court Challenge (HERE) you will see that substantial data and evidence has been researched, analysed and refined with positive recommendations to changes/improvements to the policy and legislations.  A few of the 18 topics addressed include:

      ·         Sexual Minority Political Activist Clubs Are Not the Same as Chess or Sport Clubs
      ·         School Boards Lose Discretionary Powers and Responsiveness to Parents on Matters of GSAs and Inclusive Education Policy
      ·         GSA Law, Inclusive Education Policy and Gender Ideology Put More Children at Risk
      ·         To Move From Tolerance to Celebration of LGBTQ Lifestyles Christians, Muslims and Jews Must Deny Their Faith
      ·         GSA Law and Inclusive Education Policy Breach Time-honoured Child-Rearing Rights and Contravene Legal Processes Established in Alberta Family Law

Launching a court challenge to our politicians would be costly and lengthy.  It is virtually impossible.  However there will likely be an election call in May 2019.  Christians have a year to pray and raise their voices to our legislators. 

Pray for wisdom and discernment within the Church in responding to this continuing anti-Christian encroachment in all Alberta schools and the on-going erosion of parental rights. Pray that a better balance of rights and freedoms is found for all Alberta students and their parents.

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