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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Who Gets The Glory?

Galatians 1:9 (NIV)

"9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!"

"Here Paul casteth out very flames of fire, and his zeal is so fervent that he beginneth also almost to curse the angels. . . The Greek word anathema, in Hebrew herem, signifieth a thing accursed, execrable, and detestable, which hath nothing to do, no participation or communion with God." [1] 

Having repeated this denunciation twice Paul is making it abundantly clear that there is only one Gospel and it is a damnable thing to pervert it and preach a different Gospel. Any accusation that Paul's Gospel is pampering mankind is silly.  Luther points out what the true Gospel affirms to show that Paul is certainly not preaching a Gospel to win the affections of man.  He writes,

Neither do we seek the favour of men by our doctrine; for we teach that all men are ungodly by nature, and the children of wrath (Eph. ii. 3). We condemn man’s free-will, his strength, wisdom, and righteousness, and all religion of man’s own devising: and to be short, we say that there is nothing in us that is able to deserve grace and the forgiveness of sins; but we preach that we obtain this grace by the free mercy of God only, for Christ’s sake: for so the heavens shew forth the glory of God and his works, condemning all men generally with their works (Ps. xix. 1 f.). [1]

Paul clearly teaches a Gospel come from God, not man, because he teaches "the things which are of God, saith the Apostle, hereby it may sufficiently appear, that I preach the only grace, the mercy, the goodness and the glory of God." [1]  Paul's desire is to only preach a message that pleases God.  “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10, NIV).

If a Gospel proclamation is man-pleasing then the messenger is discounted as not a servant of Christ. Paul makes this plain.  And "if I would preach the law and circumcision, and commend the strength, the power, and the will of men, I should not be so odious unto them, but should please them." [1]

So here we start to see insight into the essence of a Gospel that comes from God or man; a Gospel that pleases God or pleases man.  The bottom-line is "who gets the glory?"   Is your salvation because of a wise decision on your part; a fortuitous cooperation with the Spirit; and because of your diligence and attention to the things of God?  If so, it is a false Gospel worthy of damnation.

Father, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus that has been preserved and passed to us through men like Paul is a Gospel that flattens my pride.  It is indeed a message of good news that attributes to you all glory and honor.  It's a work that You started before time in the counsels of the Godhead.  It is a work that You Father initiated in Your sovereign and electing love.  It is a work that our Savior purchased on Calvary, by His own blood, for those given to Him by You.  It is a work that was made efficient and effective by the Holy Spirit as He quicken our dead souls.  It is a work that once begun by You, will be finished by You.  My pride and self-glorification is demolished. You get all the glory.

Father we learn in this passage that it is a dangerous thing to rob Your glory -- even a hint of it. It is the most damnable acts to steal Your rightful praise and honor. Wash my conscience and my ego with Your blood that You might not only increase, but hold the supreme place.  Cleanse every word or thought from my vocabulary that would attribute any credit to me.  Grant me the holy boldness to proclaim the true Gospel, the Gospel that please You, the Gospel that men hate.  The Gospel that saves. Amen.

1. Luther, M. (1997). Commentary on Galatians (Ga 1:8). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

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