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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Applause That Leads To Agitation

Galatians 5:26 (NIV)

26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

"It is hard to tell whether this verse belongs with the preceding section or with what follows. Certainly, it is the first of a number of specific actions that should characterize those who are being led by the Spirit. But, on the other hand, it is also a return to the theme of v. 15 and, therefore, a summation." [1]

Whatever the case, Paul now starts to elaborate on what it means to be walking by the Spirit.  Paul warns about the sin of conceit -- bringing glory to oneself.  Luther writes, "As touching our person, this is our glory, that all men have sinned and are guilty of everlasting death before God." [2]  So true! The only glory we truly have is our sin.  What can man take glory in? "Here he describeth the effect and fruit of vainglory." [2] ". . . provoking and envying each other.” (Galatians 5:26, NIV).

"Such actions toward one another are not consistent with a life of faith, lived by one who has been crucified with Christ and who is keeping step with the Holy Spirit." [3] "Paul is probably referring specifically to attitudes that seem to have become a problem in the Galatian churches (see v. 15)." [4] The bottom-line is that where there is provocation and envying there is very likely someone trying to get all the glory.  The Holy Spirit produces humility.  

Matthew Henry correctly observes: "Note, (1.) The glory which comes from men is vain-glory, which, instead of being desirous of, we should be dead to. (2.) An undue regard to the approbation and applause of men is one great ground of the unhappy strifes and contentions that exist among Christians." [5]

Father what a deadly, defeating defect that pride is.  Why do I long for that pat on the back?  Why do I want the credit?  Why am I so up on me and down on others?  Why?  Oh how the flesh loves to be recognized.  Humility, quietness, remaining unseen is far from the old man in me.  Today, I pray that the Holy Spirit would burst forth from my being and bring so much glory to Jesus that I become pale and insignificant.  Forgive me for the many times that my self-glory has caused strife between my wife, my children, my family and my Church.  Kill that wretched ego-maniac in me, Lord Jesus. Bring the humble life of Christ into focus, I pray.   For the sake of Christ and His glory.  Amen!

1.  Expositor's Bible Commentary, The, Pradis CD-ROM:Galatians/Exposition of Galatians/III. The Call to Godly Living (5:1-6:10)/C. Life in the Spirit (5:13-26)/3. The fruit of the Spirit (5:22-26), Book Version: 4.0.2 
2. Luther, M. (1997). Commentary on Galatians (Ga 5:26). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
3. KJV Bible Commentary. 1994 (E. E. Hindson & W. M. Kroll, Ed.) (2399). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
4. Crossway Bibles. (2008). The ESV Study Bible (2255). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
5. Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: Complete and unabridged in one volume (2304). Peabody: Hendrickson.

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