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Monday, July 14, 2014

What Is Your Nationality?

Galatians 3:6–7 (NIV)

6 So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” 7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham.

"Salvation by grace is not new to the present dispensation. Prior to the Law, Abraham believed (trusted or had faith in) God, and “He accounted it to him for righteousness” (Gen. 15:6)." [1] Paul has shown the Galatians that their experience reveals that their salvation is the result of faith, but he moves on to the example of Abraham -- the prime argument in his case against them. "This place the Apostle mightily prosecuteth, as also he did in his Epistle to the Romans: “If Abraham,” saith he, “was justified by the works of the law, he hath righteousness and rejoicing, but not before God, but before men” (Rom. iv. 2 ff.). For before God he hath sin and wrath. Now he was justified before God, not because he did work, but because he did believe." [2]

Luther shows that to believe God gives to God the greatest glory.  "Now, to give glory unto God, is to believe in him, to count him true, wise, righteous, merciful, almighty: briefly, to acknowledge him to be the author and giver of all goodness." [2]  This faith that glorifies God believes what fleshly reason fails to believe. "But faith killeth reason, and slayeth that beast which the whole world and all creatures cannot kill. So Abraham killed it by faith in the Word of God, whereby seed was promised unto him of Sarah, who was barren and now past child-bearing." [2]

This faith not only glorifies God and kills human reasoning in believing amazing promises, it creates a Christian man or woman that is (again against all reason) both a sinner and a saint. "Thus a Christian man is both righteous and a sinner, holy and profane, an enemy of God and yet a child of God." [2] Although true this is difficult to rationalize.  "These two things are quite contrary: to wit, that a Christian is righteous and beloved of God, and yet notwithstanding he is a sinner." [2]

But the "general argument and whole disputation of Paul against the Jews, that they which believe, are the children of Abraham, and not they which are born of his flesh and blood." [2]  This is the whole point of this passage.  This defines for us what is real and true Israel.   There is an Israel that is saved. This is the Israel of promise, the Israel of Divine election.  This Israel encompasses all who believe irregardless of race or gender.  It is faith and faith alone.

"Paul therefore concludeth with this sentence: “They which are of faith are the children of Abraham,” that corporal birth or carnal seed maketh not the children of Abraham before God. As though he would say: There is none before God accounted as the child of this Abraham (who is the servant of God, whom God hath chosen and made righteous by faith) through carnal generation; but such children must be given him before God, as he was a father." [2]  There has been and is only one true Israel -- there is only one people of God -- those who have faith in the promised Messiah -- the Christ, the son of the living God.  The truth of the matter is that "those who trust in works are aliens, not sons (Rom 2:28–29). Abraham is the father of all believers, Jews and Gentiles." [3]  Jews, who are only Israelites by birth and not by faith are enemies of God and alien to His Kingdom.

Father I am thankful today that true saving faith is a gift for I know that my nature resists really believing You and trusting in Your goodness.  If faith is what glorifies You (and it is) then in my natural self I cannot have faith.  My rebellious nature hates to glorify You.  I want to glorify me. But You have granted faith to all who are children of promise -- all the Elect of God; and through the Spirit, the power of that promise who causes the New Birth my heart is changed so that I long to give You glory and trust You.  Although the battle still rages I am confident in the work of Christ to save and deliver.  And not only to me, but to all who have faith in Christ: Jew or Gentile, black or white, male or female.  Those that don't have faith, fight -- fight You.  True faith believes and receives the Gospel.  Thank you for Your grace.  Thank you for Your mercy.  Apart from Your intervention I would be a child of wrath, rather than a child of God.  Through faith I now belong to a spiritual nation -- a kingdom of the true Elect -- true Israel. Thanks be to God!

1. Believer’s Study Bible. 1991 (W. A. Criswell, P. Patterson, E. R. Clendenen, D. L. Akin, M. Chamberlin, D. K. Patterson & J. Pogue, Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Ga 3:6). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
2.  Luther, M. (1997). Commentary on Galatians (Ga 3:6). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
3.  KJV Bible Commentary. 1994 (E. E. Hindson & W. M. Kroll, Ed.) (2384). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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